Benefits of Chromebooks in the Classroom
Is your school considering implementing a 1:1 Chromebook program? If so, you may be curious about Chromebooks and how they stack up to their competition. Today, we’ll look at that and more, including the benefits of Chromebooks in the classroom. History of 1:1...

Chromebook Buyback: What Every School Should Know
If your school has a 1:1 Chromebook program, chances are there will be a need to refresh your devices at some point. A great option when renewing your devices is to resell your old devices through Chromebook buyback. AGParts Education has a comprehensive technology...

Chromebook 101: How to Use a Chromebook Offline
Whether you’re a student, parent, or teacher, knowing the ins and outs of your Chromebook are essential to success. Chromebooks are lean, low-maintenance laptops that rely heavily on the internet. They don’t store software like a traditional laptop does as “software,”...

Chromebook Tips & Tricks for Power Users
Ready to take your Chromebook use to the next level? After you’ve mastered Chromebooks basics, leverage your Chromebook’s performance with these advanced Chromebook tips. Chromebook Tips & Tricks Here are ten advanced Chromebook tips to boost your...

8 Tips to Mastering Social Media for Schools
Social Media can be a powerful communication tool for your school. But, how can you master social media for schools? AGParts Education supports thousands of schools across the nation utilizing a 1:1 Chromebook initiative. In collaboration with our in-house marketing...

What to Look for in a Chromebook Parts Supplier
Choosing the right Chromebook Parts supplier can be a difficult task for any school district. AGParts Education offers comprehensive solutions for schools’ 1:1 device initiatives. While budget is typically the chief constraint for most schools, remember that cheapest...

Staying Green: AGI’s Recycling Center
In May 2019, AGI, the parent company of AGParts Education, was awarded ISO 14001, 45001, R2 certifications. Under the leadership of Jeff Fitch, AGI Facilities Manager, AGI launched a dedicated Recycling Center around the same time. While these standards represent...

7 Tips to Extend Your Chromebook’s Battery Life
Is your Chromebook battery draining fast? This could be for a variety of reasons. Your battery may be seeing greater demand with the increased use of Zoom or other applications. Or, it could be as simple a fix as adjusting the brightness of your screen. Today, we...

Electronics Wipes: Worth the Hype?
Cleaning your school’s Chromebooks can be a task when you aren’t sure how, when, or what to use when you clean them. Can bleach wipes be used? What about baby wipes? Soap and water? Steel wool? We’re just kidding about the last one, but what is the most effective way...

Chromebook 101: What is AUE and EOL?
Chromebooks are extremely popular mobile devices for consumers, school districts, and businesses. They are affordable and have a host of other benefits, but there are also cons to using a Chromebook. One feature that is commonly confused as a con is End of Life (EOL)...
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